

An incubator that focuses specifically on innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable chemistry. Learn more

Launch date
Company register number 0673.921.455
Antwerp Province of Antwerp (HQ)

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More about BlueChem

BlueChem is the first incubator in Belgium to focus specifically on innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable chemistry. BlueChem is a unique collaboration between government, industry and knowledge institutions with the common ambition to guarantee and strengthen the future of the economically important chemical sector in Flanders. BlueChem will open in 2020 on the climate-neutral business park Blue Gate Antwerp, in the heart of one of the largest chemical clusters in the world. The objective of BlueChem is to help promising start-ups and ambitious growth companies with their development and scale-up of sustainable innovations for the chemistry of the future. BlueChem offers customized infrastructure, tailor-made services with financial support and direct access to knowledge and expertise within an extensive network of international chemical companies, renowned research centers and the five Flemish universities.