CRES Columbus Internet Group GmbH

CRES Columbus Internet Group GmbH

The first venture accelerator for business models in the space of Local Commerce. Learn more

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More about CRES Columbus Internet Group GmbH

Established in 2012, CRES is the first venture accelerator for business models in the space of Local Commerce.

We gather a group of passionate entrepreneurs, experienced senior managers, and specialists who draw upon a vast pool of knowledge and expertise with the ultimate goal of building successful new ventures in one of the last untapped sectors of the wired world: Local Commerce.

We believe Local Commerce is the next big wave of successful Internet business models. Three years ago, when couponing models began emerging around the globe, small and medium-sized local businesses started using web-based and mobile services in order to attract new customers, build loyalty, and improve operations. This was only the starting point of a massive transition of hundred thousands of businesses representing a major fraction of all economies around the globe.

However, it also comes with huge, new challenges, some of which traditional web investors and entrepreneurs have never seen before, such as the challenge of building up efficient sales organizations.