KT Venture Group

KT Venture Group

California-based investment firm focused on companies in the semiconductor market. Learn more

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KT Venture Group | Venture Is One Way Of Life KT Venture Group Skip to content Home General Discussion March 23, 2015 · 2:08 am Perfect Game To Play For Stress Relieve With all seriousness, who love spending a whole day working? You dont and me neither. So in this post, i will show you how to relieve stress by the following games, that you can play on your spare time, break time or sleep time. All games will be related to IOS and android operating system, since that is the only thing that you can play anytime anywhere with no barrier. 1. Clash of clans If you play only a little bit of IOS/ android games, you will know Clash Of Clans, they have been topping the chart for the past 2 years, currently they are churning 1 million USD per day, cool isnt it? It is about building up your castle, upgrading your troops then invade and loot your enemiess castle for resources and trophies, cool isnt it? It has a time waiting system, let say you upgrade your resources collector, you will need to wait from a few hours to a few weeks depends on your level. So yea, you wont get addicted either. My recommendation is that we should have our company clans, so we can work together to kick some other clans ass. 2. Candy crush Alright, majority of audience that play Candy Crush are women, but it is not only for ladies. Gentleman can play it too! Well the game is about connect 3 or more candies of 1 types together, to gain points, break ices or break all the chocolate. You will have 5 lives to start, you will use up 1 live if you fail 1 level, 1 live will come back in 30 minutes. If you are good at it, you can keep on, playing. In case you want to play forever, you can reset time and have more lives, easy isnt it? Wait, if you want to contribute to the developers, you can pay for lives as well. So you wont feel bad about it. 3. Trivia Crack: This is the new raising game, currently stays at #17, if you like trivia questions, then this game is for you. It has 6 different sections for you to play, you will have to spin to choose the topics, then you will have to answers questions, if you fail 1 question, you will have to stop and spend another live. A live will come back in 1 hour, this is a very bad system seriously, usually you will burn your lives up fast, anyway, i have found a way to get trivia crack unlimited lives, just use it whenever you need more lives. Hopefully this post can help others fellow colleague improve their living lifestyle, work is important, your personal life is important as well, so dont drop it guys! Have a nice day. Leave a Comment Filed under Entertainment March 22, 2015 · 6:56 am Investment Target Strategy KT Venture Group will focus on investing in companies operating in KLA-Tencors core markets, which are the semiconductor, reticle, wafer, and data storage markets. We will also explore related, new, high-technology markets where we can transfer our knowledge in such current KLA-Tencor core competencies as image processing, inspection and measurement, and yield-management technologies. In addition to our new-market-development strategy, KT Venture Group will explore new core-competence development within currently served markets in semiconductor, reticle, wafer, and data storage. Core Market Expertise Semiconductors Cleaning Specialty Materials Testing and Packaging Fabless Solutions Emerging IC Devices Fluids/chemical controls Process and Metrology Equipment Services Data Management and Analytics Consulting Services Web-based Communication Tools Outsourcing Services Core Competence Transfer Microelectronics Electronics Design Services Automated Manufacturing Data Storage Data Computing Systems MEMs Communications Fiber Optics Components Process Control Opto-Electronics Subsystems Communications Semiconductors Connectivity Verification Systems Software Automation and Integration Connectivity Tools Design and Verification Infrastructure and Enterprise Leave a Comment Filed under General Discussion · 6:38 am Our belief is the most important. This will be our company blog, so we will start with our belief so we can know what we our beliefs are, so we can explore from these vision. Our Beliefs: We read every business plan we receive . We dont turn down an inquiry simply because a business is in a specific industry or market where we dont normally invest. Rather, we evaluate each investment opportunity on its unique business fundamentals. We actively support our portfolio companies in accelerating their business plan. We believe in providing more than capital to start-ups to help them become successful companies; we offer them unique values and services. To provide high-level support and counsel, we are prepared, when appropriate, to take a seat on a start-ups board of directors. We believe little things make a big difference. The strongest relationships are built over time in incremental steps, and are reinforced by small but memorable gestures and actions. We intend to build strong relationships with all those we interact with, no matter how short the interaction may beeven if we have to turn down an opportunity. We are here for the long-term and will rely on relationships we build over time. We will not pretend to be something we are not. Specifically, we are not a top-tier traditional venture capitalist firm. We respect the well-established firms of Sand Hill Road; they have unique strengths that we do not. But we have strengths and assets they do not. We feel that smart start-ups dealing with the VC community should seek out the unique strengths each VC firm provides. To offer a portfolio of services, we plan to form strong alliances with select traditional VC firms. We believe in the fundamentals, and the traditional, long-term perspective of venture capital investing. We will be disciplined in how we evaluate, support and exit an investment. We will look at every critical issue. We wont focus on a specific industry or market just because its hot. Rather, we evaluate each company on its own merits and assess its fundamentals and potential for long-term success. We have empathy and compassion for start-ups and entrepreneurs. We have high regard and tremendous respect for those who have the inner strength and drive to create a new business. We will be tough when necessary, but we will be honest and direct because we care about you. We intend to help change the perception of corporate venture capital from dumb money to smart and strategic money. First and foremost, we believe in maximizing the return on our investment; and the best way to do that is to provide unique value to start-ups in accelerating their business plan. Its true that we will also rate the value of our investments on their strategic fit for KLA-Tencor; but that is our long-term perspective. Our immediate goal is to ensure that each investment delivers solid returns. We believe in doing everything at Internet speed. We are a separate legal entity and have the power and authority to make our own decisions without any bureaucratic corporate process. If we do not see a significant value we can provide to a start-up, we will pass on that investment. We will be an active investor to support our portfolio companies. If we cant provide any value to a start-up, then we are just another venture capital firm. Our customers are the start-ups we invest in, their entrepreneurial founders, and other venture capital firms. If we provide significant value to our customers, we will ultimately provide value to KLA-Tencor. Leave a Comment Filed under General Discussion Search for: Recent Posts Perfect Game To Play For Stress Relieve Investment Target Strategy Our belief is the most important. Archives March 2015 Categories Entertainment General Discussion KT Venture Group · Venture Is One Way Of Life